LBSKC-CRIAEAU R3 : Rights in and to records and recordkeeping: Fighting bureaucratic violence through a human rights-centered approach to the creation, management and dissemination of documentation

27 Septembre 2020

LBSKC-CRIAEAU R3 : Une recherche magistrale et un article magistral de KMC- Gigiland Montenegro qui explique de R3 aux vote aux USA, l’actuelle prépondérance des archives-fichiers et de leurs utilisations -réactualisations tant en Nouveaux Droits qu’en nouvelles définitions 21ème siècle – Changement de paradigmes et Matrice de Réparations Criaeau … :  » Bureaucratic violence and the weaponization of documentationIn a recent opinion piece on US voting rights and voter suppression, a group of journalists called international attention to the growing numbers of US voters systematically disenfranchised by states that have increasingly put barriers in place between voters and the ballot box in acts of political partisanship (Rao et al., 2019). The journalists argue that such disenfranchisement undermines the civil rights of citizens and even threatens US democracy. Prominent among the barriers to voting are strict voter ID laws that require would-be voters to present evidence of identity that can meet specified trust requirements; voter registration restrictions that limit who is allowed to register in a particular voting district; and purges of voter rolls that remove potential voters for a variety of reasons, including not voting in previous elections. In each of these cases, records (e.g., driver’s licenses, household utility bills, property deeds and apartment leases) and recordkeeping (e.g., processes for regularly updating voter and citizenship rolls within states, distinguishing between those with similar names, correcting inaccurate names or dates of birth, and determining whether felons still owe fines to any state agency) play pivotal roles in whether or not an individual is enfranchised to vote and whether they may actually be permitted to vote at a polling place. Barriers may also disenfranchise entire communities or categories of voters. For example, the state of North Dakota’s voter ID law requires residents to show identification with a current street address and does not accept P.O. boxes as valid. North Dakota, however, is home to many Native American reservations that do not use physical street addresses, and thus tribal members’ identity documents do not meet the state requirement, rendering them ineligible to vote. » :

Rights in and to records and recordkeeping: Fighting bureaucratic violence through a human rights-centered approach to the creation, management and dissemination of documentation

Arguing that records and other forms of evidentiary documentation are increasingly being ‘weaponized’ against various communities and categories of people, this essay addresses diverse calls for the

No Indigenous peoples in the South Pacific employed writing systems prior to contact with Europeans and many of the other tangible and intangible ’texts’ that related to Indigenous identity and memory-keeping – for example, songs, dance, paintings, particular places, weavings, possum skin cloaks, tattoos and bark paintings – were not recognized as records as understood in European juridical and archival terms (Wareham, 2001a, 2001b).

Archives – Biographie de l’Objet : avec Kathy Michèle Carbone / Ucla-Calarts : Programme R3 nouveaux Droits pour Migrants

Le Criaeau possède des archives originales : en ce qui concerne l’Histoire de Boussac 1939-1945 : photos, documents, vidéos d’enregistrements de maquisards, enfants de Justes, familles et enfants…

11 Juillet 2020- 26 août 2020… : Performance Criaeau  » Une Nuit aux Pierres Jaumâtres  » en actualisations Solo…ou Autres

La performance  » Une Nuit aux Pierres Jaumâtres  » a été initiée en juin 2020 à la sortie du confinement de 7 milliards d’Humains du à la pandémie causée par les multinationales capitalistes…



L’Association CRIAEAU, Loi 1901, vient d’être créé aujourd’hui, mercredi 24 avril 2019, à Boussac : Elle a pour objet tant la création de spectacles-performances ( en toutes formes ARTS ) que …

Publié par BEAUFILS Laurent

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